Monticello Nuclear Power Plant, Minnesota-Structural engineer and designer of new foundation system (grade beams & piles) for a storage facility — Client: Zachry Nuclear Engineering, 14 Lords Hills Road Stonington, CT
Fairfield Theater Company Fairfield, CT – Structural evaluation and redesign of the roof framing –Client: Town of Fairfield
Medical Office Building, Middletown, CT – Structural design of a new 12,000 square foot commercial building – Architect Mark Aldieri, AIA, East Haddam, CT
Preston Ridge Vineyard Facility, Preston, CT – Architect: Peter J. Springsteel, AIA , Mystic, CT
Custom Residences – Structural Design for both gravity and high wind — (Bridgeport, East Lyme, Essex, Fairfield, Gales Ferry, Groton, Haddam, Milford, Montville, Mystic, New Canaan, New Haven, New London, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Salem, Stamford, Stonington, Waterford, Weston, Wilton)
Ocean Front Residences, CT Shoreline (Old Lyme, Clinton, Westbrook, Branford, Fairfield, Norwalk, Darien) – Design of deep pile foundation system (including grade beams and pile caps) for residences in the V-zone, and design of structure for high wind
Mystic Executive Park, Groton, CT – Structural design of a new 6,000 square foot commercial addition – Architect:Peter J. Springsteel, AIA , Mystic, CT
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, CT-Independent structural review of the steel framing supporting the new isolated bus duct for General Electric (Canada) — Client: GE of Canada, Streetsville, Ontario L5M 2B8
Monopole Tower, Waterford, CT-Special inspector for the installation of additional antennas Client: Tower Solution, LLC—Webster NY
Design of Platform for Blasting and Cleaning Overpass Bridges in CT, MA, & NY –Client: Blast All, Inc. Old Saybrook, CT
Tokene Tennis Club Building Complex, Darien, CT –Conceptual design of the building complex with associate Peter Cummings, Inc. (PCI)
Penfield Pavilion Buiding Complex, Fairfield, CT –Investigation and design restoration plan of complex damaged during storm Sandy. Client: Town of Fairfield
101 Mulberry St. Springfield, Mass. – Design repair, and evaluation of parking garage at a multi-Story building complex— Client: Samuel D. Plotkin & Associates, Springfield, Mass.