Commercial Structural Work
JM Albaine Engineering’s range of design work in the commercial area is quite diverse, such as:
- Design of new buildings for offices, assemblies, institutional, educational, storage, mercantile use, fire stations, riding rink and barns, and addition to nuclear facilities
- Renovation and restoration of existing building for change of use, and existing structures, i.e. race track grandstand, historic 19th and early 20th century buildings
- Foundation design for building change of loading, new sensitive equipment installation, service station island, and light poles
- Design and evaluation of retaining walls: cantilever reinforced concrete, and gravity stone wall
- Preparation of calculation and drawings for underside platform for bridges maintenance program for the Department of Transportation (DOT)
- Design repair for damaged concrete garage deck, beams and columns
- Renovation and restoration work on church structures such as Steeples, and large timber roof trusses
- Restoration of concrete pedestal for power plant generator foundation
- Evaluation of existing roof structures for installation of solar panels, new HVAC equipment, and enclosure for antenna equipment
- Independent third party review for structures above the threshold requirement per the building code